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Missouri’s Prop A would raise minimum wage to $15 and promise sick leave, but business owners warn of job losses

A sign at Domino's reads Now Hiring Under New Leadership. There is a QR code on the sign.

At any given moment in Missouri, a working parent might miss a day’s pay to care for their sick child. New mothers could return to work just days after giving birth to make ends meet, while fast-food workers may skip car payments to cover rent. Labor movement leaders say these harsh workplace realities affect hundreds […]

The post Missouri’s Prop A would raise minimum wage to $15 and promise sick leave, but business owners warn of job losses appeared first on The Beacon.

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With lithium, Arkansas risks repeating oil boom and bust

Arkansas’ governor says the state is “moving at breakneck speed to become the lithium capital of America.” Residents who saw oil falter after decades of prosperity are wary.

With lithium, Arkansas risks repeating oil boom and bust is an article from Energy News Network, a nonprofit news service covering the clean energy transition. If you would like to support us please make a donation.