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Cheney Lake is drying up. Wichita says the drought plan is working

A fuel dock sits on dry land at Cheney Lake. A marina with several boats sits on a couple inches of water in the background.

One big rainstorm won’t fix Wichita’s water shortage.  Dark storm clouds that hovered over Wichita one mid-September softened the ring of cracked dirt that’s inched wider around Cheney Lake each week, but it didn’t erase the underlying problem.  Kansas is in a drought. For much of the last year, Cheney Lake, Wichita’s primary water source, […]

The post Cheney Lake is drying up. Wichita says the drought plan is working appeared first on The Beacon.

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The Black Hills are thick with lions. But those that leave are unlikely to repopulate the East, study finds.

Although cougars have successfully reclaimed much of the West — including parts of Wyoming — new research suggests that expansion to the Great Lakes region and beyond will require reintroductions.

The post The Black Hills are thick with lions. But those that leave are unlikely to repopulate the East, study finds. appeared first on WyoFile .