Five years after the city of Ithaca passed its Green New Deal, city staff say they have decided to rewrite the city’s plan for how it will achieve its climate commitments.
Tim Walz lands late in Tucson, rallying a boisterous crowd with calls for unity and freedom

The main issue on the minds of many high-energy, dancing attendees at a Tucson campaign event with Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz was abortion and women’s health. Walz framed that key campaign issue mostly through the lens of freedom. Walz said he and presidential candidate Kamala Harris would fight to ensure women could make […]
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NYS moves ahead with thermal energy network pilot programs
Edwin J. Viera, New York News Connection ALBANY — New York State authorized utilities to develop thermal energy network pilot programs to further its decarbonization goals. Thermal energy networks use non-emitting energy sources like geothermal boreholes or waste-heat, to heat and cool buildings. Eleven pilot projects stem from commitments made in the 2022 Utility Thermal […]
En un mitin en Tucson, JD Vance critica a Kamala Harris sobre la frontera, el crimen y los impuestos, luego huye del calor

JD Vance, candidato republicano a la vicepresidencia habló sobre la frontera y la economía, y criticó a la demócrata Kamala Harris en un breve discurso en Tucson el miércoles. Vance se dirigió a unas 500 personas desde un escenario bajo las banderas ondeantes de Estados Unidos, Arizona y NASCAR en la pista de carreras Tucson […]
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Colorado student enrollment increases at most public four-year universities, despite FAFSA issues
Sign up for our free monthly newsletter Beyond High School to get the latest news about college and career paths for Colorado’s high school grads.Enrollment at nearly all of Colorado’s four-year universities is up, despite delays and glitches this year…
No more banana, spearmint or candy-flavored tobacco products in Kansas City if council votes for ban

Vanilla custard, chocolate cake, fruit loops or gummy bears. They’re all on the menu at your local vape store. But an ordinance the Kansas City Council will take up today could outlaw them in the near future. At least inside the city limits. Under the ordinance introduced by Mayor Pro Tem Ryana Parks-Shaw, the sale […]
The post No more banana, spearmint or candy-flavored tobacco products in Kansas City if council votes for ban appeared first on The Beacon.
Cinemapolis secures long-term control of Green Street space

ITHACA, N.Y. — Downtown Ithaca’s primary movie haven, Cinemapolis, will remain in its current location for the foreseeable future. Theater leadership worked out a deal earlier this month to take […]
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At Tucson rally, JD Vance hits Kamala Harris on border, crime and taxes, then flees the heat

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance spoke about the border and the economy and criticized Democrat Kamala Harris in a short speech in Tucson on Wednesday. Vance gave his remarks to about 500 people from a stage beneath the waving flags of the U.S., AZ and NASCAR at the Tucson Speedway racetrack. By the time […]
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Chatham district attorney misses legal deadline to disclose donations, again
District Attorney Shalena Cook Jones missed the legal deadline to file election disclosures for the Chatham County race. Her opponent Andre Pretorius reported around $250,000, which came from Chatham County’s wealthiest individuals and top state Repub…
Randalls Island Tents Are Coming Down, City Says, but 60,000 Migrants Remain in Shelters

The city is moving to close the 3,000-migrant tent shelter on Randall’s Island by the end of February, officials announced Wednesday. Mayor Eric Adams said in a press release that the planned closure showed the city is turning “the corner on this crisis” thanks to his administration’s “smart management strategies and successful advocacy.” The release […]
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