Posted inUncategorized

Cabbies Say Cost to Move to Wheelchair-Accessible Cars Is Too High

Taxi drivers testify remotely outside City Hall during a hearing on requiring vehicles to be wheelchair accessible.

Taxi medallion owners facing a new deadline for making their vehicles wheelchair accessible by next March say conversion costs could take cabbies off the road. Drivers and taxi industry workers pushed back at a Taxi & Limousine Commission hearing on Thursday following a federal judge’s August order that all new yellow taxis must be wheelchair […]

The post Cabbies Say Cost to Move to Wheelchair-Accessible Cars Is Too High appeared first on THE CITY – NYC News.

Posted inHealth

Striking Textron Aviation in Wichita workers lose health insurance

Textron Aviation signs line a sidewalk. The signs say, "IAM Union Local 774 on strike!"

Dreena Reed has Medicare coverage, so she wasn’t personally affected when Textron Aviation cut off striking workers’ health insurance. But she’s worried about her daughter’s family. Her son-in-law is also on strike, and the company-sponsored health insurance covers him, Reed’s daughter and their kids.  “That just goes to show that they’re not caring about their […]

The post Striking Textron Aviation in Wichita workers lose health insurance appeared first on The Beacon.