Posted inEducation

Here’s some of what’s in the bill that directs historic new Pa. education funding

The bill also contains what are effectively individual policies, from the massive new funding formula that will change how money is distributed to Pennsylvania’s school districts, to smaller policy points, like allowing schools grants to provide menstrual hygiene products.

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Biden at NATO press conference rebuts doubters: ‘I’m the best qualified to govern’ 

The highly anticipated press conference followed weeks of speculation about Biden’s ability to hold office and whether he should remain in the 2024 presidential election against former President Donald Trump. His performance, while markedly stronger than his devastating debate performance, still included a notable gaffe and could leave questions open.

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Casey bill would expand Medicare cap on out-of-pocket drug costs to commercial health care plans

A new bill from Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) would cap individual cost-sharing for prescription drugs to $2,000 annually and cap family cost-sharing for prescription drugs to $4,000 annually on commercial health insurance plans.

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