Posted inGovernment, News

Hey, Wisconsin: Help us report on issues you care about ahead of November’s election

Collage of four photos shows scenes of people voting.

In our newest multimedia project, we want to spend a day with you to show elected officials what issues most affect you.

Hey, Wisconsin: Help us report on issues you care about ahead of November’s election is a post from Wisconsin Watch, a non-profit investigative news site covering Wisconsin since 2009. Please consider making a contribution to support our journalism.

Posted inNews

Massachusetts aims to ‘adapt with the times’ with updates to solar incentive program

Solar panels suspended over a school parking lot.

Proposed adjustments to the Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target program encourage solar on buildings and parking lots, and improve access for low-income residents.

Massachusetts aims to ‘adapt with the times’ with updates to solar incentive program is an article from Energy News Network, a nonprofit news service covering the clean energy transition. If you would like to support us please make a donation.