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LISTEN: Could This One Simple Fix Save American Democracy?

Venture capitalist and political strategist Bradley Tusk joins hosts Christina Greer and Harry Siegel to discuss his new book, Vote With Your Phone: Why Mobile Voting Is Our Final Shot at Saving Democracy, proposing a tech solution to the seemingly intractable problem of low-turnout local elections leading to ever-more radical politics. And Tusk, who’s a […]

The post LISTEN: Could This One Simple Fix Save American Democracy? appeared first on THE CITY – NYC News.

Posted inGovernment, News

Poll: Majority wants Democrats to control Wisconsin Legislature

Wisconsin State Capitol

A slight majority of Wisconsin voters want Democrats to control the state Legislature after the Nov. 5 election, according to a new Wisconsin Watch poll conducted by The MassINC Polling Group.

Poll: Majority wants Democrats to control Wisconsin Legislature is a post from Wisconsin Watch, a non-profit investigative news site covering Wisconsin since 2009. Please consider making a contribution to support our journalism.

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Corte de energía y muerte relacionada con el calor en un parque de casas móviles en Tucson generan temor entre los residentes

Los vecinos de Paul Dacon lo conocían como un hombre mayor y tranquilo, que era muy meticuloso con el cuidado de su jardín. Por eso, cuando las malas hierbas comenzaron a crecer cada vez más alrededor de la casa móvil de Dacon, sabían que algo andaba mal. Semanas antes, el parque de casas móviles donde […]

The post Corte de energía y muerte relacionada con el calor en un parque de casas móviles en Tucson generan temor entre los residentes appeared first on AZ Luminaria.