Want more reporting from THE CITY? Sign up for Scoop, our free weekday newsletter, to have our latest news delivered right to your inbox.https://feeds.fireside.fm/faqnyc/rss?callitinVenture capitalist and political strategist Bradley Tusk joins hosts Christina Greer and Harry Siegel to discuss his new book, Vote With Your Phone: Why Mobile Voting Is Our Final Shot at Saving Democracy, proposing a tech solution to the seemingly intractable problem of low-turnout local elections leading to ever-more radical politics. And Tusk, who’s a supporter of the podcast, digs into the mess Eric Adams has made for himself, and how the mayor could still dig his away out of it. That starts, he says, with not getting indicted — and then defining himself as a mayor who’s produced for New Yorkers while boxing in his challengers to compete for the progressive share of the primary vote in a citywide contest that includes many more moderate Democrats. Our nonprofit newsroom relies on readers to sustain our local reporting and keep it free for all New Yorkers. DONATE to THE CITY The post LISTEN: Could This One Simple Fix Save American Democracy? appeared first on THE CITY - NYC News.First published by THE CITY – NYC News.