Good day Cleveland. This is the last week of summer, what were some of your favorite memories? Personally, I enjoyed seeing the pools and splash pads re-open across the city and cooling off with a cold glass of lemonade. As we transition to fall, let’s continue to make memories that will last. Take a look at these free community events set to close out the summer. CarnivoteCleveland Votes will be hosting Carnivote on Saturday, Sept. 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is for people looking to register for the first time and registered voters who want to update their information. Games, food and fun will be provided. This event will take place at 3631 Perkins Ave. For more information, click here.Hispanic Heritage Month CelebrationThe Latinos Juntos ERG will be hosting a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration on Friday, Sept. 20, from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. This free event is designed for the entire family. Activities will include face painting, balloon twisting, food by Rincon Criollo (a personal favorite of mine), music by Grupo Fuego and Aztec dancers. This event will take place on the patio of the Cleveland Public Library South Branch, located at 3096 Scranton Rd. For more information, click here. 2024 Inkubator Writing Conference Are you a writer looking to sharpen your skills? Then Inkubator is the event for you. Literary Cleveland will host the 2024 Inkubator Writing Conference on Friday, Sept 20 (10 a.m) and Saturday, Sept. 21 (9 a.m.). This event will include writing workshops, panel discussions, craft talks, teen writing programs, a book fair, an after party and more. The deadline to register is Wednesday, Sept. 18, at 5 p.m. The conference will be held at the Cleveland Public Library Stokes Branch, located at 525 Superior Ave. For more information, including registration and schedule of events, click here. Tremont Arts & Cultural FestivalThe Tremont West Development Corp. in partnership with Cleveland City Council Members Kerry McCormack, Rebecca Maurer and Jasmin Santana, will be hosting the Arts and Cultural Festival on Saturday, Sept. 21 (12 p.m to 7 p.m) and Sunday, Sept. 22 (12 p.m. to 5 p.m.) This festival displays the artistic and cultural diversity of Tremont and Greater Cleveland. Food, live music, fine art, sculpture, children’s activities and more will be featured. The festival will take place at Lincoln Park, located at 1200 Starkweather Ave. For more information, click here. Love Cleveland? So do we! Explore more things to do in Cleveland.Are you looking to shout out a Cleveland event? 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